Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Setting up, Interpreting Auditing Using the Windows Event Viewer

Subject: Setting up, Interpreting Auditing Using the Windows Event Viewer
Doc ID: Note:99137.1 Type: BULLETIN
Last Revision Date: 06-JUN-2007 Status: PUBLISHED

"Checked for relevance on 15-May-2007"

This document explains how to setup and interpret Operating System Auditing of
Oracle Database activity by using the Windows Event Viewer.

Some examples are :

'Instance O901 has been terminated',
'All processes in instance v1020 stopped',
'Shutdown normal performed on instance v1020',
'Audit trail:ACTION :'shutdown' ',
'Initializing PGA fro process RECO in instance v1020',
CLIENT USER: pipopc\pipo CLIENT TERMINAL: pipopc STATUS: 0 .',
'AUDIT trail: 'startup'AUDIT_TRAIL:os',
"Authenticated by DATABASE; Client address:
OSUSERID:"Administrator" PRIV$USED:5'

Scope & Application:
Intended audience: NOVICE
A Quick Start in Auditing

Refer to the references mentioned below for further information about the many
auditing possibilities within Oracle. This note just gives the user an impression
and some examples of how to audit and interpret when sending auditing information
to the Windows Event Log.

1. Setting up auditing.
This section explains how to prepare your database for auditing:

Step 1
Verify the Event Log Service is enabled on the machine where your Oracle
database resides:

Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Services (windows NT)
Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools
-> Services (Windows 2000/2003/XP)

Note on XP/2003 the Event Log Service cannot be stopped.

Service Status Startup
------- ------ -------
EventLog Started Automatic

Step 2
Add the following line to your INIT.ORA (instance parameter file located by
default under %ORACLE_HOME%\database) to activate auditing:


or in case an spfile is in use issue:

SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> alter system set audit_trail=os scope=spfile;

AUDIT_TRAIL enables or disables the writing of records to the audit trail.
Audited records are not written if the value is NONE or if the parameter
is not present. The OS option enables system-wide auditing and causes
audited records to be written to the operating system's audit trail.
Some auditing (amongst others: administrative user connections)

Note that on Windows you cannot and need not set related parameter audit_file_dest as the
records go top the Event Log instead of the filesystem on this platform (Remark 1).

The DB option enables system-wide auditing and causes audited records to
be written to the database audit trail (the SYS.AUD$ table). If set to
DB most audit records will go to table AUD$, except for some mandatory records
that will always go to the Event Log (Remark 2). The values TRUE and FALSE are also
supported for backwards compatibility. TRUE is equivalent to DB, and FALSE is
equivalent to NONE.

The SQL AUDIT statements can subsequently be used to audit specific Statement,
Privileges or Object auditing events.

Remark 1: Audit information cannot be spooled to a file on Windows. The
AUDIT_FILE_DEST parameter is NOT supported on the Windows platform
since auditing information is sent to the Event Log and can be
viewed with the Event Viewer. Therefore, this parameter should
not be added to the "INIT.ORA" (or spfile). When you add this
parameter and then bounce the database for the parameter to take
effect, you will get:


Remark 2: Some auditing (amongst others: administrative user connections)
are ALWAYS RECORDED independent whether init.ora parameter
audit_trail=os is set or not and they will go to the Event Log.

Remark 3: Setting AUDIT_TRAIL to OS , depending on the amount of audited events
can cause significantly more records to be written to the Event Log.
This can eventually fill up the Event Log file, so take action to
periodically cleanup the Event Log.

Step 3
Audit trail table and views are created automatically when you the script
"CATALOG.SQL" is run at database creation time.

The database audit trail (SYS.AUD$) is a single table in each Oracle database
data dictionary.

To help you view meaningfull auditing information in table SYS.AUD$, several
predefined views are provided. They must be created for you to use auditing,
you can later delete them if you decide not to use auditing (not recommended).
However, for the scope of this article they are less important as we focus
on audit_trail = OS and in that case the records go to the Event Log.

Creating the Audit Trail Views:

- Run the script "CATAUDIT.SQL" located in
%ORACLE_HOME%\RDBMS\ADMIN connected as SYSDBA from sqlplus :


Deleting the Audit Trail Views (this is not recommended):

- Run the script "CATNOAUD.SQL" located in
%ORACLE_HOME%\RDBMS\ADMIN connected as SYSDBA from sqlplus :


These are some useful table/views created by "CATAUDIT.SQL" when auditing
using the Windows Event Viewer:

AUDIT_ACTIONS Table/Synonym Descriptions for audit trail action types
============= ============= ========================================

ALL_DEF_AUDIT_OPTS View This single row view contains default
object-auditing options that will be
applied when objects are created

DBA_OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS View Lists auditing options for all
objects owned by a user

DBA_STMT_AUDIT_OPTS View Contains information which describes
current system auditing options
across the system and by user

DBA_PRIV_AUDIT_OPTS View Describes current system privileges
being audited across the system and by

V$SESSION View Lists session information for each
current session

SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP View Contains information about system
privilege codes

Step 4
After verifying all steps above, you are ready to configure the details on

Remark 1: Auditing incurs overhead.

Although auditing is relatively inexpensive, limit the number of audited
events as much as possible. This will minimize the performance impact on the
execution of statements that are audited and minimize the size of the audit
trail. Setup a detailed, well planned auditing strategy before you start

Remark 2 : Events Audited by Default

Whether database auditing is enabled or disabled, Oracle will always audit
certain database actions into the OS audit trail. These events include the

-instance shutdown

-connections to the database with administrator privileges (SYSOPER/SYSDBA)
(See also later in this Note)


Let's start auditing with two examples:

-Statement Privilege Auditing
As user SYSTEM from SQL*Plus -> AUDIT CREATE SESSION by scott;

-Object Auditing
As user SYSTEM from SQL*Plus -> AUDIT DELETE on scott.emp;

-You cannot audit the SYS user, except for the connections this user makes
which is audited by default (CONNECT SYS AS SYSDBA or SYSOPER).

-Enabling/disabling an audit option does not influence the currently active
sessions, the audit option will be enabled/disabled at the next logon.

Check the audit options set previously:

-SQL*Plus -> SELECT audit_option, success,failure FROM dba_stmt_audit_opts
WHERE user_name = 'SCOTT';

------------ ------- -------

The same result will be obtained by the following query:

SELECT privilege,success,failure FROM dba_priv_audit_opts WHERE
user_name = 'SCOTT';

-SQL*Plus -> SELECT object_name,object_type,del FROM dba_obj_audit_opts WHERE
owner='SCOTT' AND object_name = 'EMP';

----------- ----------- ---

Generate some audit entries:

-with SQL*Plus connect as user SCOTT -> SCOTT/password@net_service_name

-as user SCOTT -> DELETE FROM emp WHERE empno=7902;

-with SQL*Plus connect as user SYSTEM -> SYSTEM/password@net_service_name

-as user SYSTEM -> DELETE FROM scott.emp WHERE empno=7900;

=> (keep the following)

Events Audited by Default

Whether database auditing is enabled or disabled, Oracle will always audit
certain database actions into the OS audit trail. These events include the

-instance shutdown

-connections to the database with administrator privileges (SYSOPER/SYSDBA)

Interpreting the audited options within the Windows Event Viewer.

This section explains how to interprete the entries in the Event Viewer:

Let's open the Event Viewer Application Log:

- Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer
From the File Menu choose the Application Log (Windows XP/2003)

- Start -> Settings -> Control Panel ->
Administrative Tools -> Services -> Event viewer->
Application log (Windows 2000)

Now you will see several entries present, the ones we are looking for are the
ones with the value Oracle.your_SID in the Source Column. You can choose to
filter out only the entries that are of your intrest. From the View Menu,
choose "Filter Events" and in the Filter Dialog Box pick Oracle.your_SID as
the source. Click OK.

Now we can focus on the Oracle audit entries for our database.

An entry in the Event Viewer consists of the following items:

Date -> Date of the Event

Time -> Time of the Event

Source -> The software that logged the event, which can be either an
application or a component of the system, such as a driver.
In our case this refers to the Oracle database and Instance
name ex. Oracle.your_SID

Category -> A classification of the event, as defined by the source.
For Oracle this is always set to 'None'.

Event -> Shows an Event number to identify the specific event.
See Note 67868.1 Windows NT Event Log messages for the Oracle
Database Server Service

User -> Operating System User

Computer -> The exact name of the computer where the logged event occured.

As already mentioned earlier some database activities are monitored by
default (See 'Events Audited by Default' above).

The Event Viewer will contain several entries for each instance startup. You
will notice when examining the event details (Double click the Event). For
example, the initialization of the SGA (System Global Area) for your
instance/database and the initialization of each background process for that
same instance.

The database activity we wanted to monitor/audit as demonstrated in Step 4,
can be found among the events with Event ID 34 (=Audit Trail, see also
Note 67868.1 Windows NT Event Log messages for the Oracle Database Server

There should be three entries with this Event ID in the format:

Date Time Source Category Event User Computer
---- ---- ------ -------- ----- ---- --------
dd/mm/yy hh:mi:ss AM/PM Oracle.your_SID None 34 N/A machine_name

Let's have a look at two of them.

Just double click the Event in the Event Viewer Application Log to get
the description:

by DATABASE; Client address:(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=
(PORT=1084))" OSUSERID:"Administrator" PRIV$USED:5

OBJ$NAME:"EMP" SES$ACTIONS:"---S------------" SES$TID:"10922"
OS$USERID:"Administrator" PRIV$USED:50

What do these entries tell us?

Included you will find a list of some parameters you will encounter when
examining the details of an Event Entry (Double click the Event). Most of the
parameters can be traced down in the Oracle Database by querying the
appropriate Data Dictionary views. Where applicable, the Oracle views are
mentioned. You will also find included a reference to the Oracle View
DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL which is used when setting AUDIT_TRAIL to DB in your

SESSIONID = Numeric ID for each Oracle session as in

ENTRYID = Numeric ID for each audit trail entry in the session
(sequence starting with 1) as in DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.ENTRYID

STATEMENT = Numeric ID for each statement run (a statement may cause
many actions) as in DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.STEMENTID. There is no
correlation for STATEMENTID anywhere in the Oracle Data
Dictionary. This means you cannot trace down the SQL
statement executed.

USERID = Name (not ID number) of the user whose actions were audited

TERMINAL = Identifier for the user's terminal as in

ACTION = Numeric action type code. The corresponding name of the
action type (CREATE TABLE, INSERT,...) as in

RETURNCODE = Oracle Server message code generated by the action as in
DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.RETURNCODE. Zero if the action succeeded,
the Oracle error if failed, the returncode corresponds
to the 'ORA-' error, for example returncode 1017 means the
same as: ORA-1017 "invalid username/password; logon denied"

COMMENT$TEXT = Text comment on the audit trail entry, providing more
information about the statement audited. Also indicates how
the user was authenticated. The method can be one of the

DATABASE -> authenticated by password
NETWORK -> authenticated by Net8 or Advanced Security
PROXY -> authenticated by another user. The name of the
proxy user follows the method type as in

OBJ$CREATOR = Creator of the object affected by the action as in

OBJ$NAME = Name of the object affected by the action as in

SES$ACTIONS = Session summary (a string of 16 characters, one for each
action type in the order ALTER,AUDIT,COMMENT,DELETE,GRANT,
EXECUTE. Positions 14, 15, and 16 are reserved for future
use. The characters are: -for none, S for success, F for
failure, and B for both) as in

SES$TID = Object ID of the object affected by the action as in

OS$USERID = Operating System logon user name of the user whose actions
were audited as in DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.OS_USER_NAME and

PRIV$USED = System privilege used to execute the action as in

How can we project this in the real world?

1)If the user that caused the first event entry is still connected we can
look up the necessary information from within Oracle.

You can look up/verify the values of the parameters SESSIONID,USERID,
TERMINAL and OS$USERID by querying the dynamic view V$SESSION :

SELECT sid,serial#,audsid,username,osuser,terminal FROM V$SESSION WHERE

--- ------- ------ -------- ------------- --------
11 431 471 SCOTT Administrator XPERTWNT
|-> SESSIONID in Event description
|-> USERID in Event description
|-> OS$USERID in Event description
|-> TERMINAL in Event description


------ ----
|-> ACTION in Event description

pay attention to the minus sign in front of the privilege search value in
the select otherwise no results will be returned)

--------- ----
|-> PRIV$USED in Event description

The RETURNCODE in this case is 0, which means in fact Oracle Server Error
Message 0 -> ORA-00000 : normal, successful completion.

This event was created due to the 'AUDIT SESSION by scott' earlier.

2)If the user that caused the second event entry is still connected we can
look up the necessary information from within Oracle.
You can look up/verify the values of the parameters SESSIONID,USERID,
TERMINAL and OS$USERID by querying the dynamic view V$SESSION :

--- ------- ------ -------- ------------- --------
11 433 472 SYSTEM Administrator XPERTWNT
|-> SESSIONID in Event description
|-> USERID in Event description
|-> OS$USERID in Event description
|-> TERMINAL in Event description


------ ----
|-> ACTION in Event description

pay attention to the minus sign in front of the privilege search value in
the select otherwise no results will be returned)

--------- ----
|-> PRIV$USED in Event description

SELECT owner,object_name,object_id FROM DBA_OBJECTS WHERE OBJECT_NAME='EMP';

----- ----------- ---------
|-> OBJ$CREATOR in Event description
|-> OBJ$NAME in Event description
|-> SES$TID in Event description

Now a brief explanation about the SES$ACTIONS in the Event description:


As already explained above this is the session summary displayed in the format
of a 16 character string one for each action type in the order (1)ALTER,

This means the 'S' of SUCCESS on the fourth place which is a DELETE.

The RETURNCODE in this case is 0, which means in fact Oracle Server Error
Message 0 -> ORA-00000 : normal, successful completion.

This event was created due to the 'AUDIT delete on scott.emp' earlier.


SQL Reference (any version) - AUDIT statement (provides detailed explanation, reference tables)

Note 67868.1 Windows NT Event Log messages for the Oracle Database Server Service
Note 103964.1 How to Audit Connect AS SYSDBA Using Oracle Server


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